Welcome to July 2023 Training Tips!
Welcome to the July Training Tips blog post.
We’re back with a few Training Tips from the Training and Development department! This month, you’ll get reminders about obtaining patient identifying information, verifying insurance or eligibility, HealthPoint Emergency Codes, and monthly lab controls.
Practice Management
Front Desk – always remember to verify patient info. With each contact with the patient, we always want to verify all info in eCW is still accurate. This helps with giving us the opportunity to provide the best care possible for all our patients.
Obtaining the Patient’s Name and DOB:
Look up patients using their DOB. It is a more unique identifier and is best for helping us protect the patient’s identity. Because it is unique, we can ensure we are entering information into the correct chart and maintaining HIPAA compliance.
Verify Patient Phone Number and Address:
After locating the patient, verify their phone number and address from the Patient Information screen. While you can view a patient’s demographics from the HUB, verifying information from the Patient Information screen readily allows you to make any necessary changes. Remember, when verifying the patient’s information, it is important to ask open ended questions, not leading ones. (In other words, NEVER ask pt, “is your number still the 979-XXX-XXXX” Always ask them to verify, “Can you verify you phone number for me, please?”)
Verify Patient Insurance and/or Program Eligibility Status
It is important to verify that a patient’s insurance and/or program eligibility are current when scheduling an appointment and offer a GFE, If needed.
If a patient’s insurance or program eligibility expires prior to their appointment (if scheduling), they will be responsible for the full fee of that appointment. Additionally, if they end up cancelling their appointment due to their inability to pay, it becomes a missed opportunity to have scheduled another patient.
If they have 3rd party insurance Medicare, Medicaid, or Private Insurance, verify and update if needed.
If the patient has HealthPoint Programs, be sure to verify that the program is still active. If not, schedule for them to renew with eligibility specialist.
Please remember your emergency codes. If you are not aware of your part in a code process, please speak to your managers.
Please remember to complete your monthly controls. We know that staffing looks a little different during the summers with employees out on vacation. Please make sure that someone is designated to complete this task by the first week of the month.
Obviously, we are Here to Help!
For any questions or concerns, please contact Jeannie Delgado jedelgado@healthpoint-tx.com.