Meet Dr. Amol Deshpande!
Each month HealthPoint will randomly select two staff members to do an employee feature on in our Newsletter and Blog. This month we’ve chosen Dr. Amol Deshpande to be part of the employee feature! You can find out more about him below, including some facts that didn’t make it in the Newsletter. The goal is to get to know our co-workers and teams better. Enjoy the read!
The Basics – An Employee Feature on Dr. Deshpande
Name & Home Town
Amol Deshpande, MD – Did you know Amol means precious in Hindi? From HamariWeb.Com “This snazzy name is descended from the Hindi language. It’s one of the best names for a baby because it’s not only lovely but also significantly meaningful. Its meaning is deep and influences the personality of a child positively.” We can’t agree more!
Dr. Deshpande is known as “Dr. D” by patients and co-workers. He was born and raised in Bombay, India. Now known as Mumbai, this city has a fascinating history. Its earliest recorded names are Kakamuchee and Galajunkja. So how did they get to Bombay and then Mumbai?
In short, in the 1500s, the city was referred to in two books by two different names: 1. “Manbai” in a book written in Persian and 2. “Bombaim,” meaning ‘good bay’ in a book written in Portuguese. Check out these variations we found on“
“Adding to the confusion, historical records indicate that the city was referred to as Mombayn , Bombay, Bombain , Bombaym, Monbaym, Mombaim, Mombaym, Bambaye, Bombaiim, Bombeye, Boon Bay, and Bon Bahia, among other names at different points in its colonial history!”
Then, in 1995 the political party in power made the official name change to Mumbai from Bombay. Many saw Bombay as a holdover from British colonialism. For this purpose and a desire for its name to reflect the area’s heritage, Mumbai was chosen.
Professional Career
Dr. D is a THIRD-generation physician. He was raised in a household that had a passion for learning and caring for others. Because of this passion, he was led to pursue a career in medicine. He completed his pediatric residency at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, MI. (Want to know what other HealthPoint Providers went to Henry Ford? Click HERE.) After graduating, he joined the HealthPoint team and has been practicing in trinity since 1998. That’s more than 20 years! He said this about why he LOVES HealthPoint, “I like the philosophy of medical care to all, regardless of their paying ability.”
Things Dr. Deshpande is Digging
“I love caring for kids and their families. In fact, most parents I see now were my once my pediatric patients!” In his spare time, Dr. D listens to Indian music, watches TV, and cooks. He shared that recently, he has started walking for weight loss and enjoying it! “I never thought I would enjoy any physical activity,” he said. Maybe there is hope for the rest of us, yet!
Dr. Deshpande said, “I would like to learn to play a musical instrument specifically, the piano.” But why? “I have one at home. Since the kids never used it, and I paid a lot of money for it… I might as well use it!” It looks like Dr. D is the motivation we needed to dust off our recorders from 3rd grade and get after it.
Finally, THANK YOU to Dr. Deshpande for participating in our employee feature for December 2021! We loved learning about you, and we’ll be checking back in a few months to see how the piano lessons are going.